Kindergarten Curriculum
Math: Saxon Math
Reading, Writing, & Grammar: Phonics Program: Logic of English Phonograms, Logic of English Spelling Rules, & WISE Guide to Spelling Words
Cursive: Classically Cursive 1
Handwriting: Copybook I & II (Memoria Press)
Natural Philosophy: Noeo Science
Theology: The Child’s Story Bible, Heidelberg Catechism
History & Geography: Survery of History, Map Drawing (Bortins) - Continents, US, South Dakota
Recitation: Poetry & Scripture
Art Appreciation: Memoria Press Art Cards
Music Enrichment: Classical Composers, Concepts, & Songs
Music and jingles are integrated throughout the curriculum, and we hope to add PE, music, and art as formal specials when resources are available.
The curriculum plans will be subject to ongoing Board and faculty review and fine-tuning.
“Grounded in piety, Christian classical education is the transmission of the culture of the Church through a faculty of friends who love the truth by cultivating virtue in the students in body, heart, and mind, and nurturing their love for wisdom and faithful service of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
- Clark and Jain, The Liberal Arts Tradition